Elite Teachers Institute

A BESE Approved CDA/Early Childhood Ancillary Program.


Practical preparation for an early childhood classroom.

When you enroll in Elite Teachers Institute program, you’re not just signing up for your CDA and Ancillary certificate. You’re also signing up for dedicated support. You will receive hands-on, practical coaching, to help you implement elite teaching practices in your classroom to help your students thrive each day.

About Our Program

Elite Teachers Institute offers a hybrid model CDA program that includes blended web-based modules, in-person Saturday classes, coaching, and applied practice.

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Online Instruction

ETI offers easily accessible online instruction via a partnership with Penn State Extensions for web-based modules.


In-Person Instruction

ETI offers a total of 4 in-person Saturday sessions, which includes face-to-face instruction, training, and applied practice.


Coaching & Applied Practice

Each teacher will receive 12 hrs of individual coaching, formal CLASS observations, and 30 hrs of a variety of applied practices.